Span likes to think of herself as a mysterious interwab force for feminism and leftwingedness. However the truth is, as always, more mundane, what with blogging being the natural home of the frustrated and rant-inclined. Span is most certainly of their ilk. Sometimes she even talks about herself in the third person. We rest our case.
Mon. 7th May 2007 - Added off-black, eggs ben etc, The Ex-Expat, Blair's Brain, The Watermelon. Re-added Stupid Internet Name, and fixed links for Legal Soapbox and Tvfmw.
Sun. 29th Apr. 2007 - Added Webweaver to blogroll.
Sat. 28th Apr. 2007 - Added Feministing, I Blame the Patriarchy, The Legal Soapbox and Ethical Martini to blogroll.
Fri. 27th Apr. 2007 - Added Pacific Emprie and Ghetsuhm to blogroll.
Sat. 21st Apr. 2007 - started this feature (hat tip to NZ Conservative), added to blogroll the following: Your Dirty Answer, the blonde canadian, Parrot on Policy, High Windows, and Short and Sweet Like Me
Yes indeedy. It was warm. Yay.
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