The leftward and other blatherings of Span (now with Snaps!)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

ramblings - index for travel-related posts

And herein lie my travelling posts, of various divers nature.

General travel ramblings and the like
Reasons Not to Envy - some reasons why being there is not always everything
Don't Forget - a few essentials for the backpack/suitcase, IMHO

Vietnam - 2005
The Right Hand Side of the Road Stupid - post I
The City Which Never Stops Honking - post II
I Love the Smell of Asphalt in the Morning - post III

Europe - 2006
Bye Bye Birdie - what happens when you cross from Turkey to Greece with a cold
Quaint European Customs - Eurovision - watching the contest in Spain (and in sometimes in Spanish)
Some Impressions of "Mother England" - pretty self-explanatory
It's Up to All of Us - a nasty incident on the London Tube

More to come.


Amanda said...

Hey!! Good to see you back.

Stephanie said...

good to hear you had your big OE.

Span said...

Thanks guys, it's good to be back actually, although I seem to be having problems communicating verbally as a result of the jet lag, swapping words around. I'm hoping this has worn off by this morning, as I'm off to work now...