The leftward and other blatherings of Span (now with Snaps!)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Makeover nearly made over

Nearly nearly finished the categorising of the previous 600+ posts. It's been an interesting exercise, revisiting my earlier writings here.

Also, in exciting Spanblather news, I've finally worked out how to put Recent Comments back in! At this stage it's only 5 comments and I'm not thrilled about the layout, but it's better than a slap in the face with a week old cod.

For others who want to know how to add Recent Comments to their beta-rised Blogger blogs, you need to use the Feed element in the Layout (rather than HTML/Javascript) and put in a feed like this:

with of course your blog URL instead of mine.

Incidentally, for those interested in subscribing to the comment feed of Spanblather, I am hopeful that putting the above URL into Bloglines will do the trick. Could any readers who try this please let me know if this is so?

Ta muchly


Stephanie said...

Blogger beta doesn't seem to like Internet Explorer.

James said...

which is why you shouldn't use internet explorer

Span said...

According to the Blogger home page beta does like IE and also Mozilla, but not Safari. I use IE because I am a bit of a doofus about working out how to change (plus I don't have much choice at work) and I haven't had too many problems...

What exactly is causing issues Stef, it may be something I've done wrong!

Idiot/Savant said...

Also, in exciting Spanblather news, I've finally worked out how to put Recent Comments back in!

Can you email me the details? I'm not on Beta yet, but I want to be able to replace my crappy javascript hack ASAP, which is adversely affecting page load time...

Stephanie said...

The comments window freezes up from time to time.