The leftward and other blatherings of Span (now with Snaps!)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

maybe it's daylight savings

quite a few of the regulars seem pretty light on the ol' blogging lately (Jordan i'm looking at you in particular) - why is that? some of them are still high in the comment count, but do they think they suddenly have not much to say after all this time spouting off on things high and low?


Stephanie said...

think jordan is not in town at the moment...

sagenz said...

jordan has been too busy deleting icky comments too post anything new. is there anywhere you can slap a socialist? you are not an enemy of freedom of speech I see. think you have earned a link. arl be back

Span said...

well what about Mr Kearney then, where's he?? and DPF i thought you had been rather light lately, but you seem to have upped your ante now. basically you big posters were posting at about my level and it's disconcerting ;-)