The leftward and other blatherings of Span (now with Snaps!)

Friday, January 07, 2005

Clarion Tour - over and out

Yesterday was the last day of the inaugural Young Labour Clarion Tour and you can now read the whole story on their website, complete with pictures and Quicktime video (although my connection is too slow so I haven't seen any of those yet, damn dialup).

It's in reverse order, so if you haven't been following along, boys and girls, you might want to click on the Day One link on the right hand side bar.

Legend has it that there are some additional pics on a digital camera that is somewhere in my house. Unfortunately (and annoyingly) said camera cannot be found, but rest assured once it is reunited with its owner pics will be up and about, if they are any good.

Although I'm not now, and never have been, a member of Young Labour (or indeed Labour in general) I do think this has been a fantastic idea, and well executed. It's great to see political types get out and do something real, in fact ten days of real, all over the country. I hope that it continues in the future - the regions get ignored by the cities too often and the most exciting thing about this, for me, was the commitment to go to small towns and to drive rather than fly - the only way to really touch the people who live in those areas.

And of course the interaction with the concerns of ordinary New Zealanders would only do those YLers some good - the focus of people they encountered on building a country that cares for people and the environment has shone through clearly.

Let's hope those on the Tour can share some of those views around with the rest of their Party :-)


David Farrar said...

"Although I'm not now, and never have been a member"

You forgot to say ... and never will be ... :-)

Span said...

afraid the cow has well and truly escaped the barn in terms of me being able to join YL :-P

sagenz said...

actually Dr Brash and the National caucus have been getting out to the provinces for some time now. And labour have been slagging him off for it.