The leftward and other blatherings of Span (now with Snaps!)

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


DPF has something and it is catching - I too am now ill and off work for a day that I probably can't afford to take off. Curses!


David Farrar said...

Unless you were that cute blonde at the wedding, I doubt you can blame yoru illness on me:-)

Being sick in summer sucks. Mine has taken six days to kick and still not 100%. I must have annoyed God or something.

Moneo said...

David, its not summer and as for God, didn't you read Garth George this morning? ;)

My sincere sympathy Span, being sick is no fun.

I myself get a cold whenever I have to do public speaking.

Span said...

DPF - an email virus perhaps? ;-)

hope you are well again soon

i am currently unable to hear properly, which makes driving interesting as i basically can't hear anything outside the car. mind you it's not as bad as the time i had a really bad cold and had to fly to Welly for a genuine student politics emergency, then back again the next day - the doctor said my ears had literally been sucked into my head by the pressure. obviously not the outer ones.