Meanwhile, in Fanland
For those of us still ignorant of bit torrent (or who have to turn down kind offers of illicit dealing in overseas TV series due to puter problems), the news that TVNZ has Torchwood is grand.
I wouldn't have minded at all if Prime got it, or TV3, just as long as the damn thing gets shown here, and soon. I do worry about TVNZ doing a Soprano on it, but seeing as I am trying to worry less I am just going to forget about that for now.
There's been a bit of a discussion about TVNZ landing it over at Public Address System, although given my recent admission here (and further discussion in comments), I'm feeling a bit perturbed at Morgan's comment at PAS that one of the main characters is "a drug rapist psychopath that flies off the handle at the slightest provocation." :-(
But it does make me feel better that the night before last I had a Doctor Who dream. I was in an Eccleston episode, complete with Rose, and it wasn't based on an existing plot. I didn't seem to be a character, just sort of observing, and unfortunately I can't remember any of the storyline now, but damn it was exciting!
And Prime seems to be replaying the Eccleston series at the moment, for those who haven't noticed (like me - I only twigged to this earlier in the week, when I caught the episode where Big Ben gets the bash).
So all round it's been a Doctor Who week for me, and there's still two and a half days to go!
ooookay. I was also deeply disturbed by that comment and I've seen most of the first series. I'm assuming he means Owen, but I'm really making an assumption.
None of the characters in Torchwood are easy to like. It's considerably darker than Dr Who has ever been. But I also think (as weird as this sounds) that it's a reasonably realistic portrayal of how real people would actually behave with access to that much temptation.
There are some really disturbing sequences and it's not a comfortable watch. It took me several episodes to decide if I liked it, and that was with all that Captain Jackness right there. But I would recommend giving it a chance and making up your own mind. To label Owen according to something that happens in the first episode and then never again is a bit... histrionic.
Ghet: definitely Owen. And having watched the whole thing now, it describes him perfectly.
I have to say though that the pilot of the new Sarah Jane Smith Adventures is crap. Apart from the tone (it is very much a kids show, in a bad way), the plot simply doesn't work, precisely because of the amount of background that has been built up. [sigh]...
Heh, I so want to go 'but XYZ', but that would totally spoil Span's viewing, so I shan't. I just think that while Owen's not a nice guy, there's a hell of a lot more to him and he's probably the character I find the most believable. But then, I did grow up with a lot of Owen-type sort of guys.
Oh, there's more to him, and he's believable alright. But he really is a scared little boy with a gun and irresistible alien pheromones (at least until they get taken off him) and insufficient oversight.
Hmm, this is not sounding all that grand after all. I wasn't really that enamoured of the wonderfulness of Captain Jack in his Doctor Who episodes...
Oh well, just have to wait and see I guess!
But he really is a scared little boy with a gun and irresistible alien pheromones (at least until they get taken off him) and insufficient oversight.
Now, there's a description I can live with. And he is starting to sound more and more like one of my ex-boyfriends...
I spend a lot of time writing, and I'm quite intrigued by everything to do with process. Torchwood took the really unusual step of introducing you to a bunch of main characters by showing them at their absolute WORST, before you'd had time to build any sympathy or identification. Nobody does that. I'd love to know what the thought process was there.
Are you getting DeClassified?
No, we're not. They keep advertising it at the end of the shows, and I keep thinking we should get it, but man, the state of our hard drive as it is...
It's histrionic to be highly disturbed by a guy who drugs a woman in an attempt to get her to have sex with him against her will? We only see him attempt drug rape once on screen, so that's all right then? I don't think so. It's even more disturbing that the writers/producers seem to consider it to be just a joke, since they aren't fictional.
Captain Jack is a completely different person by the time of Torchwood, so not liking his DW character is probably an advantage.
In general, Torchwood has potential, and does succeed some of the time, but is let down by inconsistent characterisation, some poor plotting, and providing very little reason to care what happens to any of the characters. I'm hoping the next season will be better.
I thought Sarah Jane was actually the most successful of the new DW & spinoffs at what it was trying to do, though that sort of kid's show isn't really my cup of tea.
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