The leftward and other blatherings of Span (now with Snaps!)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Blog Spots

Mellie is back blogging at Random Contributionz, giving his input on the whole strange blogger drinks saga of recent times. Who would ever thought people having a few bevvies would be so controversial? (Or maybe we just like to talk about ourselves?)

Also back in the bloghood is Michael Wood, having reinvented his previous blog Bertrand Bargolias as Red in Roskill.

And, it seems getting back to the blog was a New Year's resolution for Geoff Hayward too, as he has reactivated The Thorndon Bubble.

I've added to my blogroll anarchafairy and Contradiction, which have both been around a wee while but I've only just cottoned on.

Anyone else new or renewed please feel free to add linkage in comments.


Apathy Jack said...

I was thinking about the drinks controvery, and I thought that if we ever had them in Aucklan,d it wouldn't be as silly.

Then I found out that there have been blogger drinks in Auckland, and that Brain Stab weren't invited.

We're planning revenge. It will be bloody.

Span said...

I think the silliness was caused because there were some in Auckland, but who can really understand the inner workings of those posting the invective on this stuff? Not me anyway.

Braindead bloody or Saving Private Ryan bloody?