The leftward and other blatherings of Span (now with Snaps!)

Monday, November 15, 2004

brash as pm?

Further to this over at Just Left.

I really doubt that the public see Brash as PM material. I realise part of this is time and exposure, but I think he is a truly scary idea for PM, much like Ruth Richardson was (yes, like Jenny Shipley too - but she wasn't elected was she). I'm not a huge Helen Clark fan, but she does have a sense of leadership about her that Brash lacks. Once the election draws closer and those being polled are thinking more of Brash as leading an alternative Government I predict his ratings will fall even more.

I also suspect Brash is minus the common touch. I have never seen him in person, but he would need to be considerably warmer than he is on the telly. Clark is a master of this art - even her honking laugh makes her that bit more human.

Until Brash gets his PM ratings up Bill English will still be dreaming of those free rugby seats. English may well stage a comeback - he's certainly young enough, and his performance in the House is still better than Brash's.


sagenz said...

Dr Brash will make a fine Prime Minister in 2005.
Am I too right wing for your link, should I take yours off?

Span said...

No Sagey you certainly are not, it is merely an oversight which I shall see to tonight if possible. I have decided to give most blogs a little while to bed in before blogging to them as I keep getting burnt by people who blog for two weeks then stop, but I feel bad about removing their link, so I am getting this long blogroll with dead blogs on them.

I really truly hope that Brash is never PM, and I suspect Mr English feels the same. I think it was Greyshade who posted a while ago about the record regarding parties winning in their first election with a new leader, and the odds are certainly against Brash, not to mention the polls.