The leftward and other blatherings of Span (now with Snaps!)

Monday, December 27, 2004

Clarion Tour - Sneak Preview

This is the view from my front door right now.

Tomorrow the Young Labour Clarion Tour hits the road. You may wonder why that's on here, and why the bus they are using is in my driveway. All I can say is that this is what happens when love doesn't discriminate ;-)

You can read more about the Clarion Tour in YL's media statement and it may well be coming to a town near you soon. While I won't be on it I've had some high points already, just from being on the margins. My favourite was when the loud speaker suddenly croaked out, in the middle of bible belt Mt Roskill and right next door to a church, "Hello Everybody This is God. Please Give All Your Money to Robert. Transmission Ends."

I hope the neighbours will still be talking to us tomorrow.

1 comment:

Span said...

yeah the Man In The Comfy Chair had a good time at Dingwall too - it's great you guys are doing this kind of stuff that so needs to be done :-)

for my two readers over Xmas (X and E) you'll be pleased to know the neighbours are still talking to us, well me at least. they didn't even seem to be perturbed at the big YOUR FUTURE YOUR CALL painted on the grass strip in between our houses, which is actually on their land. they are so enamoured of Mara that they will forgive us nearly anything, thankfully.