The leftward and other blatherings of Span (now with Snaps!)

Monday, December 27, 2004

the first day of summer

Seems it was the first day of summer today.

And I was not a good little slip slop slapper. I got cocky. And now I am paying the price - how typically inept of me to get badly burnt the first time the sun shows its face, especially when it's so late. urgh.

My arms actually feel like they are radiating heat. To make it worse I somehow managed to get burnt in a very odd pattern which means I won't be wearing sleeveless or strapless tops until I can manage to get the white stripey bits nice and crispy as well.

Usually I get to laugh at The Man in the Comfy Chair's sunscreen ineptness, but this year he gets the first laugh. Bah humbug!


Joe Hendren said...

Ditto. That sun burns down in chch as well :( Reading a book in the sun was really nice, but now my hands and feet are reminding me they exist.

Darn money grubbing capitalists producing those CFCs for years and years. They might as well put sunburn in an aerosole can :)

Span said...

spooky - i was reading a book too, in the garden. damn books! we should burn them all!!!